VNTranslator appears as a black box

VNTranslator may appear as a black box or your computer does not support hardware acceleration Hardware acceleration is enabled by default in VNTranslator

What is hardware acceleration?

Hardware acceleration is a process that offloads some processing tasks to the GPU This increases performance and allows the app to use your computer's dedicated graphics processing unit (GPU) to render images, video and transitions smoother

How to disable hardware acceleration?

From App Settings:

  • Go to Settings

  • In the App Settings, click GPU Acceleration to switch it ON or OFF

Via Command Prompt or Run Window:

  • Run the VNTranslator with arguments --disable-gpu or --disable-gpu --force-cpu-draw Example : C:\Program Files\VNTranslator\VNTranslator.exe --disable-gpu C:\Program Files\VNTranslator\VNTranslator.exe --disable-gpu --force-cpu-draw

How to fix VNTranslator hardware acceleration crash?

Updating your graphics card drivers An outdated graphics card driver is one possible reason for VNTranslator crashes when hardware acceleration is enabled


Last updated