OCR Screen
1. Screen Capture
The Screen Capture is used for capturing the display. It allows the user to select and capture specific areas of the screen, which are then processed by the OCR
How to Use: To capture a screen display, move the Screen Capture and adjust its size to cover the area of the screen that contains the text you wish to process
2. Menubar
The Menu Bar provides several functionalities to enhance the screen capturing and OCR process:
Capture: This option allows for manual capture of screen displays.
Auto Capture: This option automates the OCR capture process.
Pre-processing: This feature displays image processing options, which is essential for enhancing the quality of images before they undergo OCR processing. Enhanced image quality can lead to more accurate OCR results.
OCR Engine: This option allows the user to select the OCR engine to be used for text recognition. Different OCR engines may have different capabilities, and this option lets the user choose the most suitable one based on the nature of the image and the text.
Region: This feature enables users to set up and customize the region for the screen capture window. It can be particularly useful for defining a specific area of the screen that the user frequently captures.
3. StatusBar
The Status Bar displays various information related to the OCR process. It shows the display settings, the coordinates of the screen capture area, and the status of the OCR process.
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