Request & Response

The core configuration of Machine Translation Request


  • $ID






You can use schema variables in the configuration with syntax $SCHEMA_NAME For example:

    "schema": [
        { "type": "string", "name": "api_key", "title": "API Key", "default": "", "required": true, "message": "Required an API Key" },
    "request": {
        "method": "http_post",
        "url": "http://127.0.01/?key=$API_KEY"
        "options": {
            "headers": {
              "Authorization": "Bearer $API_KEY",
              "Content-Type": "application/json"


method: string

  • web_scraping

  • http_get

  • http_post

  • web_llm

url: string

encodeURI: string (optional)

Escapes characters by UTF-8 code units, with each octet encoded in the format %XX, left-padded with 0 if necessary. Because lone surrogates in UTF-16 do not encode any valid Unicode character.

encodeURIComponent: string (optional)

Uses the same encoding algorithm as described in encodeURI. It escapes all characters except: A–Z a–z 0–9 - _ . ! ~ * ' ( )

encodeURIExtra: string (optional)

Additional function to replace URI with regexp string. For example: "["%2F", "g", "\\%2F"]"

initialUrl: string (optional)

userAgent: string (optional)

querySelector: string

Return the first Element within the HTML that matches the specified selector, or group of selectors.

querySelectorAll: string (optional)

return a static (not live) NodeList representing a list of the HTML elements that match the specified group of selectors.

queryProperty: string

body: object

options: object (optional)

  • headers - set request headers

    • X-Custom-Header: string

    • Authorization: string

    • Content-Type: string

responseType: string

  • string - set response type as string

  • json - set response type as json

responseQuery: string

JSON Response from HTTP Request

You can parse the JSON Response with ResponseQuery

The responseQuery is only used for http_get and http_post methods with the response type as JSON

A JSON object is an associative array. The location path syntax to navigate into an arbitrarily deeply nested structure of JSON objects comprises the field names separated by dot '.' delimiters.

For example the following JSON Response

  "text": "Hello 1",
  "words": [
    { "text": "Hello 2" },
    { "text": "Hello 3" }
  "lines": {
    "text": "Hello 4",
    "sub": {
      "text": "Hello 5"


Hello 1


Hello 2


Hello 5


1. Web Scraping Method - Object Structure

  • method: string

  • encodeURI: boolean

  • encodeURIComponent: boolean

  • encodeURIExtra: string

  • url: string

  • initialUrl: string

  • querySelector: string

  • querySelectorAll: string

  • queryProperty: string

    "request": {
        "method": "web_scraping",
        "encodeURI": false,
        "encodeURIComponent": true, 
        "initialUrl": "https://localhost:8080",
        "url": "https://localhost:8080/?sl=$SOURCE_LANG&tl=$TARGET_LANG&text=$SOURCE_TEXT",    
        "querySelector": "span[lang=$TARGET_LANG]",
        "querySelectorAll": null,                
        "queryProperty": "innerText"

2. HTTP GET Method- Object Structure

  • method: string

  • encodeURI: boolean

  • encodeURIComponent: boolean

  • encodeURIExtra: string

  • url: string

  • options: object

  • responseType: string

  • responseQuery: string

    "request": {
        "method": "http_get",
        "encodeURI": false,
        "encodeURIComponent": false, 
        "url": "https://localhost:8080/translate?sl=$SOURCE_LANG&tl=$TARGET_LANG&text=$SOURCE_TEXT",
        "options": {},
        "responseType": "string"  

3. HTTP POST Method - Object Structure

  • method: string

  • encodeURI: boolean

  • encodeURIComponent: boolean

  • encodeURIExtra: string

  • url: string

  • body: object

  • options: object

    • headers: object

      • X-Custom-Header: string

      • Authorization: string

      • Content-Type: string

  • responseType: string

  • responseQuery: string

    "request": {
        "method": "http_post",
        "encodeURI": false,
        "encodeURIComponent": false, 
        "url": "https://localhost:8080/translate",
        "body": {
            "text": "$SOURCE_TEXT",
            "source_lang": "$SOURCE_LANG",
            "target_lang": "$TARGET_LANG"
        "options": {
            "headers": {
                "Authorization": "Bearer $API_KEY",
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
        "responseType": "json",
        "responseQuery": "translate.result"

Last updated