Visual Novel OCR & Text Recognition for Video Games
Getting started with OCR
Select the OCR option
Select the OCR Engine & Language option
Select the Output option
Press Start button
Important things before starting to use OCR
If using WinOCR or TesseractOCR, make sure to select the correct OCR Language. For example:
WinOCR | Japanese
Tesseract | Japanese (jpn.traineddata)
WinOCR | English (United Kingdom)
WinOCR | English (United States)
Tesseract | English (eng.traineddata)
There are many issues related to the Capture function in OCR, so make sure the Capture function works well on your computer:
Click Pre-processing in the MenuBar
Enable Adjustments with the Greyscale option, and then click Capture
If the capture works well, the OCR Screen will display the captured image in black and white
You can also view the capture preview in the OCR Master window for the Pro version
If you get an error message or the OCR Capture does not work, refer to the troubleshooting section
Many factors can affect OCR accuracy. Read more below:
Last updated