Translation Settings


1. Translation request

Set the translation request mode

  • Offline

  • MT-only Machine Translation only

  • TM-only Translation Memory only

  • TM or MT If translation is not available in TM, then the request is sent to MT

  • TM and MT Requests to Translation Memory and Machine Translation simultaneously. If translation is available in TM, it will be shown first. With this option, translations in TM will be updated with new translation from MT. This option may also cause double entries in the extra window.

2. Translation queue

Translation queue contains an ordered list of jobs waiting to be processed

3. Max translation queue length

Set the Queue Length Limit

Translation Memory

Translation memory (TM) is a database of previously translated text

By default translation memory is enabled

1. Translation memory

Enable and disable translation memory

2. Auto-save to file every

Automatically saves translation memory (TM) to a file

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